Broskington Post

Broskington Post

Monday, October 15, 2012

Welcome to my Zombie Hype Train!

So this weekend has found me mainly worried about zombies. With the return of the Walking Dead, Halloween, and the release of the game: The War Z... How could I not spend my time worried about those clumsy man eaters? Let me begin with a brief review of the Walking Dead season premiere...

Still here? Ok cool. So Season 3 of the Walking Dead began with zero dialogue. It was a depressing intro where you can finally see the signs of the world Rick and the gang inhabits catching up with them. Rick looks grizzled and crazed while the rest of the group looks tired and frustrated. It makes sense with the way the last season ended. The episode was a bit slow paced on the story side of things, but was chock full of zombie killin'! The most exciting kills definitely came from the fights with the zombies in riot gear in the prison courtyard. With that being said I don't understand why they just didn't uppercut those guys with knives to begin with. So after fighting the riot boys they arrive inside of the prison. Things slow down again until one of the gang takes a bite to the leg and then has Rick cut it off in a pretty gruesome fashion. Finally, it ends with team Rick realizing they are not the only ones inside that hell hole of a prison. All in all, I believe it is setting up for an awesome season, even if the pacing of this episode was a bit slow. 
So what about Andrea and her new ninja buddy? Well I don't think we saw near enough of them. Apparently Andrea had a rough winter and is on the verge of dying from what may be pneumonia. Micchone (Ninja lady) on the other hand is still doing her thing. I really hope they go deep into her back story this season as it is very interesting and perfect for the TV adaptation. I can't wait for next week and the rest of a season that will be pretty dark (if the first episode is a precursor)
Now, let me talk to you about a game you probably have never heard about. It's called the War Z and I am pumped about it!!!! You get to create a survivor during a zombie apocalypse and scavenge, kill, steal and hunt your way to safety. You can build safehouses, take over buildings, kill other players for their stuff and live out your own zombie fantasy. There is a leaderboard that is based on how long you survive and it has PERMADEATH! Once your guy bites the dust that's it. You're dead. Start over. It makes you really pay attention to what you are doing and not screw around, especially if you broseph has been around for a while. I plan on reviewing the crap out of it once me and my cynical partner, P, rage on some wobbling corpses.
Anyway, it is nice to be back and see y'all Broskingtons later!

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