Broskington Post

Broskington Post

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

America's Caca 3

Dearest readers, you know I love America (my blood is red, white, & blue for god sake!), video games, and for quite some time, the Assassin’s Creed series.  Shoot, I even reviewed the last two Ass Creed games in my patriotic hype for AC3. Now can someone please tell me why I hate the third one?  Yeah, I didn’t think so.  Maybe I am losing it? (Just a head’s up, I’m going to spoil the shit out of this game.  And don’t play this.  Don’t spend money on this. )


Set in colonial America during the years of 1753-1783.  It stars a brand new assassin named Connor – This got me more pumped about this game than it ought to have; I was so tired of playing as Ezio! See, but you don’t get to play as or know about Connor for a good four to six hours!  I was going to talk about this later, but FUCK IT.  You play as Connor’s dastardly daddy Haytham Kenway (pssst he’s a total chode!). You (Daddy H) are sent from London-town to the colonies, and along the way you are taught almost EVERYTHING about the game.  I hate this more than words.  I’m used to games having a level that is solely made to teach you the different basic game mechanics, but nope, Ubisoft decided to up the ante.  They thought it would be cool if they stretched tutorials out for hours!  It was maddening!  It gets worse.  You see, you think while you’re playing Haytham’s little adventures that you’re the good guy, that you’re helping the assassins.  PLOT TWIST, you’re a freaking Templar.  You’re the leader of Templars in the colonies, and love the redcoats!  Can this get any worse? Yes, Hayeater manipulates this Native American lady into helping him find this alien artifact boosh, and for no reason they fall in love.  You get the feeling that these colonists use the Native Americans as a means to an end, and it’s depressing…It doesn’t explicitly show it, but I’m pretty sure old Haymaker rapes the Indian chick after she saves his life. It made me so infuriated, that I didn’t pick it up for a couple of days (I went back to Borderlands 2).   

Thaat's Lee!
After a break, I jumped into Connor’s story.  You see that Native American lady got preggers from Hayface, and Connor lives with his mom in a village of fellow Native Americans.  There’s more tutorials here, but not for much longer.  You learn to hunt animals, and your village is burned down by one of Daddy H’s henchmen Charles Lee.  If you thought Connor’s dear old poop pop was bad, this Charlie is a really twisted villain.  He gets off killing Indians, shooting dudes in the back, pissing on the American flag, and his favorite: running away like a sissy. 

Oh and if you’re curious as to what’s going on with the game’s true main character (character-ception lololololol. Shootmeplz.) Desmond, there’s not a whole lot going on.  He’s just in a cave using the Animus, so he can learn to be better?  I don’t know. ALIENS?  I’m not going to pretend to know what’s going on in the backdrop of this game because it’s complicated, I don’t remember most of it, and it’s just not terribly interesting.  Oh and you meet Desmond’s dad.  PARALLELS?!?!?!?!?!?!?

SUDDEN FASTFORWARD.  Connor is 18, and he’s out for his dad and that meanie Charlie Horse.  He is informed of an old black man named Achilles that has a house in the middle of no-where.  Connor’s elder tell him to check that dude out, and instead is almost killed by TEMPLARS.  Old black man Morgan Freem…..I mean Achilles takes Connor in, and teaches him everything about being an Assassin (I just realized how similar this part is to that awful action movie Wanted).  MOAR TUTORIALS! MOAAAAAAAR!  These aren’t actually that bad.  You learn to use this thing called a rope dart which is essentially Scorpion’s spear from MK.  Super bad ass!  And you also learn to captain a ship!  Ship shit is literally my favorite thing in this game, but we’ll get to that later.  So Achilles sends you on your way, and you learn about all the bad, bad men that help Haydouche with his Templar plans.  You do some not assassinating, and form your own little community back at Achille’s house.  Ugh. And other stuff.  I don’t think you do much in this game except errands, and kill Brits.  I think you have a grand total of three assassinations in this game.  Woo.  I guess I don’t want to ruin most of the story, but I’ll give you a taste.  Haydingerdanger tries comes back into Connor’s life in a helpful way, but he ends up just being a turd to him.  They have another falling out, and passing on – eeeeeehhhhhh?  Get it? Getitgetitgetitgetit?!

 You reenact some important American historical events like Paul Revere’s ride.  And by that I mean you ride on a horse with Paulie on it.  SOOOOO ACCURATE AND REWARDING.  I honestly was expecting a bit more from the historical aspect out of this game; like, say Paul is riding on in a flurry to warn the British are coming and you are fending off Red Coats from catching him from a tree sniping them with bow and arrow.  It all just feels weird and unnecessary.  I mean, it’s cool that this game takes place in history, but does Connor have to rewrite history in order for him to be involved?  Again, this is not what I asked for!  

SPOILERS.  You kill Charles Lee after the most frustrating chase sequence I’ve ever witnessed.  It’s awful.  You only have one other chase in the game, and that one’s pretty easy.  This one is completely unfair, and I don’t understand how this was okay’d before release.  Its super frustrating because there’s some quick time stuff going on and you have to run through mobs of people that will not be budged!  And the game that generally holds your hand throughout its entirety, now it suddenly decides to not tell you where to climb and whatnot.  I did this section a good twenty times before I got it right.  I haven’t been more frustrated with this game series since Ass Creed 2 with Leonardo Da Vinci’s flying contrapooption.  I should’ve remembered why I don’t like these games, and kept that with me.  God damnit!  Don’t play this game! 


OH!  It gets better.  We find more alien shit, and Desmond dies.  It was the most bittersweet thing ever.  I don’t even know who won!  Assassins?  Templars?  Aliens?  I don’t know.  The ending is so fucking ambiguous.  I am half-hoping that I’m just too thick to actually understand it, and the ending is actually good decent.


Ass Creed Tres is the culmination of all the prior titles work into one better game.  This game’s graphics uses a lot of similarities to the older games, but it looks a whole lot sharper as a whole.  The wilderness can be quite awesome looking – especially in the snow.  I think one of my favorite locales is Boston in the winter; looking onto the city from the docks looks so freaking good.  Graphics definitely enhance this game, and enrich the experience.  There are some faults, but it’s pretty minor.  I played it on the 360 and there’s a little bit of texture popping.  You also might witness some strange things like this guy floating above his barstool for no freaking reason. Another nice thing about it is that there’s not a whole lot of loading.


I was genuinely excited about this game, and kept a blind eye to the actual gameplay of this series.  This is something I had to do a little bit of soul searching after I completed AC3.  Does this game play well?  Is it fun?  There’s no doubt that there is fun to be found in this game, but there is literally no challenge in this game.  Most objectives can be achieved without breaking a sweat.  The only challenge comes in the form of unfair tasks that they don’t actually tell you what to do.  This is not good game design especially considering this game commonly holds your hand throughout.  This is definitely a problem for me and probably most of the hardcore gamers.  We definitely prefer a game that gives us some building blocks as to how to play in the beginning then progressively challenge us with the basics while peppering in a few new tricks.  A good comparison to something I’ve reviewed is the Alice Madness Returns.  That game is, by no stretch of the imagination, a good game, but it does appeal to good game design in that regard.  

Some of the easiness in AC3 also stems from the combat, and how simple it is.  It’s designed for you to win; it’s really hard to die in combat in this game.  I remember back in E3 of 2012 that they promised more intuitive combat and the use of two different items in fights.  Well they sort of accomplished this, but only sort of.  You use a long rage weapon and a close-combat weapon at your ready at all times.  But that’s not really the same as saying you can swing your hatchet into someone’s head, and then swing around and shoot your recently departed enemy’s musket at on.  All combat situations in this game come down to blocking/dodging and then countering.  It gives the player an illusion of fluidity, but it's just different animations you can pull off based on what you have equipped.The animations are really awesome at first, but it feels pretty empty after you do it for hours.  

The basic interface for combat is bad.  It’s really bad.  It has a radial menu that pauses the game to allow you to select your weapon of death, but it’s far too sluggish.  It really takes out the immersion of the game.  This happens more than you think because you can only have three different items keyed to the d-pad, and it will force you to open this menu when you need a different weapon.  

For a game about assassinations and stealth there isn’t much of either.  The stealth in this game is very janky, and is the exact same from the previous titles.  Blend in with people walking, sit on a bench, hide in bushes, hide in a well are all great ways to hide from trouble.  There are several missions that task you in listening to conversations of peeps while being hidden, and it’s so dumb.  You can sit on a bench as they walk by you, and don’t think anything of it.  This is not stealth.  I think for this series to continue on it would need to overhaul a lot of its components to be a stealth game or change it to make it feel more of an action game (it’s more action anywho).

The wilderness, the cities, and the homestead each have a very distinct feel.  The wilderness is where all the wild animals roam and you can climb on trees.  I actually love their tree parkour in this game; it makes you feel like Tarzan…in a good way.  It’s a lot of fun exploring here.  The cities, Boston, New York, and Philadelphia play a lot like older Ass Creed games.   
I think my favorite aspect of this game is definitely the homestead.  This is where your good old mentor Achilles resides.  During the course of the game you meet characters that you help out, and then help them move into the area where Achilles resides.  This is essentially where you get almost all the side missions of the game.  I actually like this even though the missions mostly go here do this kind of stuff.  You get to know all the different residents pretty well, and you get a chance to document them (Creepin’!).  You see some families grow, some come together, and some fight.  It feels pretty realistic in the setting it takes place also.  Most importantly all these missions reward you by getting insight on these secondary characters, and means of actually making Connor stronger.

This leads to a new and excited aspect of this game.  Like in the older titles, you can upgrade your arsenal and the city you live in.  In this one, you earn money by actually trading with merchants you have encountered.  I like this especially compared to the older titles because it’s more of a challenge to make money and to protect it.  You don’t receive money just for clearing out baddies or buying shops like the previous games.  I actually got addicted to figuring out what items I could sell at the highest price and the quickest way to acquire that item. There’s also crafting based on the skill of the inhabitants of the homestead; their skill increases the more favors you do for them.  That’s the reward I was talking about earlier, and it’s really awesome feeling when you know you’ve got the most powerful items in the game.  

There are a wide variety of different types of side missions in this game, and they’re great ways to earn some spending money. There’s fighting, assassinations, hunting, message running, and a bunch more.  I personally don’t find them all that interesting, but some can be pretty fun.  I enjoyed the hunting ones because you hunted for super-duper rare animals that could be a challenge to kill.  Quick side note about hunting; its bullshit in this game.  It’s so fucking hard to ambush a bunny while hiding in the bushes, and it’s boring!  I don’t like it.  The game punishes you for hunting with bow and arrow or guns! It wants you to pounce on your pray like a cat on a mouse...but you're a dude hiding in bushes. UGH.  I gave up on hunting early on in the game, and I never missed it.
I think my favorite addition to this game is being a captain of the ship.  There are a handful of story missions involving the ship, but there’s a whole lot more side missions.  Both are pretty rewarding and incredibly fun.  I actually think they designed this aspect of this game the best.  They teach you all the basics in one game, and add new aspects as you do more missions like adding different ammo and stuff.  The ship combat plays from a close third person viewpoint.  You see Connor steering the ship, but you can sweep the camera around to look out the left or right side.  You can shoot your main cannons on the left or right side when you line up your shot – the trajectory is outlined for you similar to a golf game.  You also have these miniature cannons that can essentially be fired at any situation and shoot at any direction but aren't very powerful.  The swivel cannons are great to use when your enemy’s ship is almost destroyed; you can shoot their gunpowder storage and BOOM.  So rewarding!  You can also board enemy ships when you use chain shot which destroys their mast and what have you.  Then it turns into an all-out pirate rumble that’s pretty fun.  The side missions vary in protecting a merchant ship or to destroying a fort.  I played the ship sections often, and preferred them to the standard gameplay. 

End of the Line

If you can look past most of the flaws from this sinking ship there’s a lot of fun to be had especially for fans of this game.  Hell, it’s the only game I know where you can pet a dog!  (I can't think of another game that allows that kind of awesome person-to-animal-relationship!) How fucking sweet is that!  But seriously bros, this game is for serious Ass Creed fans.  I don’t think I could recommend this game to anyone that hasn't played the older games because there is so much stuff going on that if you didn’t have any prior information on you’ll be confused the entire game.  And to boot the story isn’t all that riveting, original, or great except how they depict Native Americans in a positive light.  It’s surprising to see them depicted historically accurate and also incredibly sad.  I think that’s the appeal to Connor except when he just wants to kill everyone for not being an assassin.  Meh...I guess what I’m trying to say is this game didn’t live up to the hype, but isn’t a terrible game.  It’s also the best pirate simulator I’ve ever played – minus the raping and pillaging.  

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