Here at the Broskington Post, we are determined to deliver the most bro-est opinions on current events, entertainment, sports, and other random crap. We are comprised of five every-day-man opinionated, awesome bros giving their opinions on what’s going on in this beautiful world we live in.
Broskington Post
Friday, July 6, 2012
Know Thy Enemy: The Public Sector Lady
Usually we leave the rants to our man, Manher. However, today I realized there is one group of people I can not stand to deal with: the public sector desk lady. We all know her, we all have been her victim, and she has made us want to go all "Lollipop Chainsaw" on her at one time or another. (Shout out Bob!) Anyway if you are confused on the specifics, I am talking about the lady behind the desk at the courthouse, DMV, university, or any other time sink with a receptionist. It's as if they enjoy wasting your time with petty issues and find it interesting to screw your day up. Just today, I had to go back and forth from my home to the courthouse because they kept needing different documents. First she wanted the car title. Then, she wanted the registration sticker so they could give me a replacement. Now if your "WTF" flag is up, you know how I felt. Couldn't she just give me the new sticker and I could replace it when I got home? NOPE!! This behemoth manipulator of time was determined to keep me running around like my life was some dumb ass scavenger hunt.
This pretty much sums it up. Get the picture?
In the end, the problem was solved and I left a darker and angrier individual. It made me realize how all of these people were the same. Unaccommodating buffoons who get their giggles making other peoples day fall to crap. Now I apologize if you are reading this, work in the industry and go "Hey I'm the most accommodating gal I know!" But seriously, these folks need to get with the program. Let me know what I need beforehand and if for some reason I forgot some minor detail.. find a loophole! After all, it is what most people do for others.
Lastly, maybe it was just my angry mood this afternoon but what is it with old people drivers. I was leaving the Walgreen's parking lot, blinker clearly showing my plan of going left and this old geezer pulls up next to my left side trying to turn as well. Cut me off much? Anyway, if one more old person tries to play bumper cars with me, I am going to find the nurse most similar to Ben Stiller in Happy Gilmore and have them locked away. Anyway, I am done sharing my annoyances and hope that you will continue to support our "Mind Your Manhers" articles. After all, that guy is always pissed. (Skip to 1:20 on the vid)
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