Well I said I would not post another rant on this site and guess what.. I lied. In fact, the enemy this week is myself. Not only did I lie, but I am a mega procrastinator when it comes to change. Here I am, about to move and really I waited until the last few days to do the hard work. My thought process was that I did not want to pack anything because I might need it. Now I look back and go, "really? Why in the hell would I need to leave old golf clubs I haven't touched in three years? What could I need those for?" I guess I might need them to fight my next battle against aliens or hipsters (or Hipster Aliens!) but its pretty doubtful. The point is that I think procrastination is an issue any twenty-something faces. We are from the lazy generation of procrastination nation. Now, I don't mean lazy in the since that all we do is sit in a chair and eat cheetos, but lazy compared to the generation before us. Hell, we will probably call the next generation lazy asses once their IPads begin to cook for them.
In other news I have a question that has been bugging me
about hipsters. Would they all push for us to drive a Prius if that car was
made by an American Company such as Ford? I am doubtful that any of them would
want to show the sign that they actually like America. It seems as they go out
of their way to prove America sucks the big one and everyone else is better.
F*** that noise. July 4th is over but still support this great country of ours
and remember in the words of the great patriot Toby Keith, "We'll put a
boot in your a** it's the American Way!" Just kidding, but seriously wake
up and realize you have it great and shut up about Europe.
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