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Sorry, No Vajazzling in this show. |
Recently my girlfriend asked me to watch this show called "The Client List" starring Jennifer Love Hewitt with her. I figured that spending 45 minutes of my day watching a girls show would not be too bad so I accepted. Well, if you have not heard of the "Client List" (Which I doubt most have), it is about a woman who's drug addict husband ran off to Mexico and she is desperate for money. Oh my gosh? What is she gonna do? I'll tell you. She is going to go to work at a high class, Sugarland, Day spa that moonlights as a rub and tug parlor. So she decides that the only way to survive is giving handies for cash. She becomes super popular, since she is JLH, and makes bank. Of course the rest of the show is about what it takes to balance children, a love life, and being a hand prostitute. Riveting.
There are several issues with this show. First, all of the men that go into this spa have six packs and look like they could bang a girl just by staring her down (Chuck Norris Style). I have a problem with this sense I would think that most people that need to go in a rub and tug parlor are probably not the best looking folks in the world. I can understand the sex addicts getting in quite a bit, but come one, most folks that need it are a probably pretty desperate. I also wonder where this show is going to go. I figure it will go along until the spa people get caught, go "oh crap!" and she has to fess up for the sins of her hand. Lastly, why does everyone think that Texas girls talk like backwoods hillbillies. I have never heard that many country accents in one spot and I live in Texas. Stop stereotyping the greatest country in America!
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While I am on the subject of weird things girls like, I want to mention the book 50 Shades of Grey. Apparently, from what the GF has told me, this book is about a guy who is in to the whole domination thing because he was dominated by his neighborhood cougar at fifteen years old. My problem is not with the book itself, but the dialogue. It sounds like a 8th graders wet dream on paper and is silly for an adults fiction novel. It sounds something like: "I am going to slap you hard." The lady then says, "OK. But is this going to hurt?" Finally, he finishes the conversation with, "Then I'm going to do what I want... Hard and Fast!" That author is on their Shakespeare game for that dialogue.
Look, I think it is great that women love these things. As a guy, I know that I like some stupid stuff too. After all, I have watched the "Old Gregg" video about a thousand times. The point is that as a guy and fellow bro, I find it funny and I hope that you do too!
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Make an assessment! |
So I just read that 50 Shades of Grey started off as fanfiction for Twilight. So it's even worse than one can imagine...