Broskington Post

Broskington Post

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Baseball/ Bama/ WNBA

Baseball Season

My least favorite time of the year has finally come, baseball season.  While the pros are just starting the college season is in the thick of it.  Now I know a lot of people like baseball and it is a popular sport, but personally I’m not a fan.  It’s not so much the sport but how long it goes on.  Honestly why the hell is there 162 games or something like that, the next closest sport to that is basketball with the NBA playing 82 games.  That is more than half the games of baseball and yet they are able to find a proper champion, so why is it necessary for baseball to have so many games.  I understand that with a series structure you will play more games but come on.  While I know that no major changes will be coming to baseball anytime soon, I hope that they at least can figure out how to make it more interesting.  For instance you could light people on fire, attach the ball to an elastic cord like on Futurama or just legalize steroids.  I feel like baseball is one of those sports you either love or you hate and for me I hate it, not like how I hate hipsters (which is a lot), but like in the way that people hate North Korea or how women hate Kris Humphries.

Bama drops the ball

Probably the funniest thing that has ever happened in the history of the world happened this last weekend when Alabama dropped the ball, literally. According to multiple news sources one of the player’s parents knocked the trophy off the platform bringing one question to light.  Why the hell do you have a 30 thousand dollar crystal trophy that is only sitting on a few metal pegs out in the open, for crying out loud at least glue the thing on or put it in a case.  The first thing that I thought of when I saw this story was whose dad was it and is that kid going to be on the team next year?  Could you imagine being responsible for something like that breaking, talk about awkward.  I once, slightly tipsy, bumped into a waitress at a crowded restaurant causing her to drop a tray of drinks.  Even though I think she slightly dramatized the contact I still felt bad and embarrassed.  Now personally I wouldn’t have felt bad if I had knocked over Bama’s trophy mostly because I think that they are a bunch of poopfaces, but that’s just me.    To be honest it couldn’t have happened to better people.  I don’t want to write too much more mostly because I’m so ecstatic and I’ll just end up getting rambly so I’m just going to go ahead and end with Suck Faban!


The WNBA draft happened on Monday which came to the surprise of 99% of the world who were completely unaware that the WNBA still even existed.   To be fair it’s usually not a good sign when your league’s draft is on a Monday and takes place at ESPN’s studios rather than a separate and seeming legitimizing venue.  It also doesn’t help when when your jerseys have to have sponsors on the front of your jerseys instead of your team's name. To be fair even if all the WNBA games were played topless nobody would watch them mostly because most of the athletes are not that attractive, but also because women’s basketball is boring.  

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